Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Grape Conscious or Giant Conscious

I read an article this morning written by L Alton Garrison about one of my favorite portions of Scripture. The account of Moses sending out the twelve spies to check out the land that God had promised to the children of Israel. It was a place of promise. The two reports that came back were opposite in focus. Ten of the spies came back with a report that said there would be no way that they could possess the land. They said there were giants there that would be too strong to defeat. Two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, said the land is wonderful and had the biggest clusters of grapes they had ever seen. The first group asked, “Didn’t you see those giants?”. Joshua and Caleb asked “Didn’t you see the size of those grapes?” The minority was grape conscious. The majority was giant conscious. The minority did not deny the existence of the giants, but they believed with God’s help they could possess the land.

That is the kind of passion God is looking for in His people. He has placed inside of you a vision of promise. If you choose to be giant conscious, you will opt for the safety of hunkering down where you are and you will miss the blessing God intends for you. If you are grape conscious, you will step out with faith as your safety net and find blessing. Big dreams require you to trust God. Have some God sized dreams today and go for them. You are equipped, empowered and released today to do wonderful things. Don’t get to the end of life with regret that you settled for mediocrity when excellence was available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all need to think & dream bigger than ever before. Thanks for reminding me that God is able.