Thursday, October 30, 2008

Perspective builders

I read a paragraph this morning that was a perspective builder. It was a statement about connection and linkage. The world may be connected but it is far from being a community. The world is a pretty parochial place. There are more countries in the world today than there was a decade ago. Fierce tribal rivalries are threatening domestic and international peace, and special interest lobbying is tearing at our sense of community. The marketplace has been broken into tiny bits. Each of your customers expects to be treated with respect and do you. We do not have to agree but we do have a need to understand each other. Good leaders today are the ones who have figured out ways to unite their constituency. How to get people of totally different perspectives in the same arena to look at common issues.

I find that the Bible makes a huge point of this by pointing out that we are all in the same boat when it comes to how we have treated God. Romans 3:23 tells us that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We have the common need for a savior. We have God telling us that He has a plan to deal with that. “Red and yellow, Black and white, they are precious in His sight.” The leadership qualities of the Holy Spirit are sound and bring us together into the same room and place of decision. The ball is in our court as to whether we leave that room on the way to heaven or the way to hell. No matter who you meet today, you have a connection and common need of God. You will not meet anyone today who is not desperately loved by God.

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