Friday, December 5, 2008

Model it

I am finding that true leadership only happens when there is a willingness to model the behavior that is desired in the followers. Many years ago, as I was first going into the ministry, a very wise pastor told me that I was never to ask people to do for God what I was not willing to do. I think of that often as I ask people to pray, read their Bibles or to serve. A leader’s deeds are far more important than his or her words when determining how serious they really are about what they say. The words and the deeds must agree and be consistent. There are no unimportant tasks. I may not have time to scrub the floors of the office every day but I better be willing to do it once in awhile because it is an important task that I am asking someone to do. This all brings me to evaluate if I am “too busy” to be in the trenches when that is what God has called me to do. Administrative duties are time consuming but that time spent in the trenches builds the relationships that cause efficiency (and joy) to rise. This makes time spent in administration more fulfilling. It also brings me closer to God since He is all about “relationships”.

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