Thursday, April 2, 2009

Seize the moment

I was reading an article this morning by Darrin Rodgers about the many who overcame great obstacles to carry out the vision that allows us to have so much today. Here is a quote: "Even as we look back at the heroes of the faith who grabbed hold of big ideas and sacrificed greatly to bring them to fruition, I pray that we, the inheritors of this legacy, will seize this moment and invest in the future of our faith."

As in every generation the real need is that we have people with vision. I need to be reminded every day that it is bigger than me.

The following awesome hymn lyrics were written by Gary Sadler and Lynn DeShazo:

We are a moment
You are forever
God of ages, God before God
We are a vapor
You are eternal
God everlasting
Reigning on high…

Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb who was slay
Higher praises Honor and Glory
Be unto your name

We are the broken
You are the Healer
Jesus Redeemer
Mighty to save
You are the love song
We’ll sing forever
Bowing before You
Blessing Your Name

Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb who was slay
Higher praises Honor and Glory
Be unto your name

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