Friday, May 29, 2009


Make an effort to be extraordinary. We really are far too easily satisfied. We settle for mediocrity when excellence is just around the corner. We are a small adjustment away from being really significant. Today I have decided to go for the tweak. When I worked in the electronics engineering field we had tweaking tools. They are specially designed to make the minute adjustments that take us from fuzzy to clear. Sometimes I need that creative whack in the head but most of the time a small tweak will get the job done. Leadership is a constant challenge. When you are a leader, your achievements are determined by those you lead. I submit to you that you are leading someone today. Everyone is a leader of something. There are unleashings that need to happen today, there are wrecks that need a rescuer, there are celebrations and anticipations today for the partaking. I don’t want to miss any of them.

With interesting things happening in the economy right now, A good sermon title might be, “Security in uncertain times”. There is protection on the sea of life when the boat is tossed. There is protection in the fire as God uses it to make us who we need to be. There is protection in your life as your mind is renewed by the Word of God. A scripture reference for this is Jesus walking on the water to get across the lake after miraculously feeding the 5000. It’s found in the gospel of Mark chapter 6.

Don’t miss out on the significance around you today.

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