Thursday, August 28, 2008

Of all the nerve

There is some troubling data in a book I have been picking up from time to time. The book is “Unchristian: What a New generation really thinks about Christianity….And why it matters” In their data about the unchurched they have found an increasing number of people who are not as much opposed to Christianity as they are offended by Christians. It has long been a standard line among unchurched people that the reason they do not go is because the church is “full of hypocrites.” One article I was reading this morning said,”It is hard to be a witness to someone whose nerves you are standing on, especially if you are not even aware you are on them.” It brings up the challenge to live a life of excellence before our fellow man. It is a good habit to take inventory on a regular basis of how we are coming across to those around us that we are needing to lead to Christ. When they see me coming, do they cross to the other side of the street to avoid me or do they come to my side of the street because they want to interact? One of my goals today is to not step on the nerves of others if I can avoid it.

By the way, the road goes two ways. I also need to not be easily offended when someone else steps on my nerves either accidently or on purpose.

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