Friday, September 19, 2008

A Smiling God

In my devotional time this morning I read a quote from R.A.Torrey that reminded me of a key truth:

“All that God is and…has is at the disposal of prayer. Prayer can do anything that God can do.”

As I read the scriptures, I find that God takes joy in His children praying the same as a parent delighting in the words of a toddler. There is a special sense of well-being that we feel when we feel the warmth of His smile when we pray inside the bounds of His will. It is then that we move from praying for others out of a sense of duty and begin to learn that true intercession is a privilege and can be fun. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that when we come to God we need to believe that He is and that he is a rewarder of diligent seekers. This makes prayer an adventure that draws me into God’s presence. It is an awesome feeling to know that God cares about the same things I am praying about. Praying for others needs to become second nature rather than a rare occurrence. Your prayers can move the heart of God. Wouldn’t it be a shame to ignore that opportunity?

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