Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tap into God's Dream

I read an article this week where they interviewed Erwin McManus, Pastor of Mosaic Church in Los Angeles. I have enjoyed his approach to approaching God and diverse cultures. There are over 50 nationalities in that congregation. The interview was designed to discuss why the church needs to keep on dreaming. I have gotten to the place where I have decided to make a conscious effort to tap into what God is doing rather than trying to get God to get on board with my agenda. That means I may need to let go of the tight grip I have on rational thinking and academics. Since imagination and dreams have been given to us by God, we should access that potential. Living the life God created us to live should be our goal. The one quote from that article that I have been chewing on for two days now is this, “I don’t maintain hope; it maintains me!” It seems so many around me have lost their dream. They had a promise given to them and since they have not seen it happen “yet”, they have given up on it, or at least have decided to make it happen on their own like Abram did in Genesis 15 when he decided that the promise would need to come through his servant Eliezer. God stopped him, took him outside of his tent and gave him the assignment to count the stars. God reminded him that day that the promise would be accomplished the way it was given. We serve a big God who has given us big dreams. They are there for a reason. Go for it !

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