Friday, October 24, 2008

The Main Thing

I was visiting with a friend yesterday about key statements that define us. Statements that people have heard from us regularly or were able to see emulated by our lives. I asked the question, “What statement would I like to have people think of when they think of me?” If what I would like that statement to be and what that statement actually is, differs, then it is time to adjust one or the other. One of the ways people will come up with that life statement is by hearing it on a regular basis. For example, I have said hundreds of times that “We need to keep the main thing, the main thing”. I am honored when someone says that and prefaces it with, “As Pastor Al always says…”. It certainly is not original with me but I want it to happen in my life. I believe that if the church keeps the main thing the main thing, the Gospel will be reaching out to every corner of the world. Reaching people for Christ is at the heart of the will of God. We cannot afford to lose it as a priority. I pray that every relationship in my life would somehow be impacted with that priority goal. Yes, it is possible to keep the main thing the main thing even when we are building the float for the Harvest Fest parade tomorrow where we will enter the land of nursery rhymes and be in the company of Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill, Mary, with her little lamb and Mother Goose. By the way, Mary did have a little lamb and in a couple months we are going to celebrate His birth and note that He became the lamb that took away the sin of the world. Jesus is the main thing!!

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