Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Social Capital

I am reading a book called “Leadership Challenge”, a Business week best seller. One of the concepts worth pondering is the importance of “Social Capital”, the collective value of people who know each other and what they will do for each other. It is human networks that make things happen, not computer networks. Leaders who get extraordinary things done are right in the middle of those human networks. Social capital is amassed over years of investing in building relationships. I find that I do not have to be an expert, but I need to be connected with people who are. If I have invested in that relationship wisely, they are more than willing to be there for me when that expertise is needed. It is the old rule that says withdrawals require prior deposits. Deficit spending in the area of relationships is a dangerous situation. On a spiritual level, investing time in your relationship with God will give you back much more than you put in. God will infuse your account with all you need in the areas that really count allowing you to reach out and infuse the accounts of others. When your “Who you know” list includes God, there is a peace that passes understanding in your life.

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