Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shifting to a new gear

In my challenge to be a better leader, I find that there are innovative thinkers out there who need to be heard. I read this morning about a leader who took a struggling organization and turned it on its ear. The team questioned every paradigm that was in place. They looked at how each area was set up, how it was structured and how it operated. They found that the system in place had highly centralized production units. People were not able to do what they were brought on to do. The shift that changed all that gave ownership to all who were willing to be creative. It gave them a sense of empowerment and spirit. Rather than asking people to trust the system, a system was created a system that was trustworthy and the whole team gained efficiency. It required
management to connect beyond the surface level with those buying in. Of course there was risk but in this case the results were phenomenal.

I wonder how many people in my life are not given the room to do what God brought them in my life to do?

I wonder how much I could increase my efficiency by listening more today?

I wonder if my RPM’s are at the point where a shift is in order?

I wonder if I have the courage in place?

I think it is going to be an awesome day !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great questions. Change can be badly needed. Some people get caught in the trap of doing the same thing over and over again then wondering why nothing has changed. New ideas can be refreshing. Although sometimes it takes work to shift into that next gear. :)