Thursday, February 26, 2009

Find the geysers

Someone once said that a geyser is just a puddle with enthusiasm. I really enjoy being around people who are energetic and positive about the future. God has blessed me with leaders who inspire that in my life. They tend to breathe life in my dreams and aspirations which excites me about enlisting in the movements that have meaning and purpose. I believe that if you look around, you will find that God has placed cheerleaders around you too. If I am upbeat today it will offer hope to those around me. I was reading in my leadership challenge book this morning and found this quote:

“To get extraordinary things done in extraordinary times, leaders must inspire optimal performance-and that can only be fueled by positive emotions.”

If the leaders displays no passion for a cause, why should anyone else? SO- I need to find some way to apply this today. If I don’t pursue it on purpose, I will go through the day just living for myself. If I go after passion and enthusiasm today I will find myself with something to offer.

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