Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is my strategy in place?

My devotional word this morning is "Strategy". In God's plan there is a great strategy. The game plan of life requires a strategy to be in place if there is to be success and a system for the strategy to be able to operate. We find God's strategy throughout scripture. A good example of that is Jesus sending out the disciples 2 by 2 in Mark Chaptet 6. The strategy gave direction for going out and following the plan to spread the gospel. Later, in the book of Acts, the disciples were told to geographically start where they were and move out systematically starting in Jerusalem, Judea, then to Samaria and on to the uttermost parts of the earth. Counting the cost by developing a good strategy works in both the short term (today)and the long term (tomorrow and beyond). It is a plan to get us from where we are to where God wants us to be. Nelson Searcy in his book "Launch" lists practical reasons for strategy development.

It is a document of faith

It provides structure

It forces us to think on paper

It provides focus

It forces research

It is good for the team

It saves time


It makes it easier to ask others for help

------Sounds like sound thinking to me.

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