Monday, April 6, 2009

Palm Sunday Perceptions

Some thoughts about the Triumphal Entry from yesterday's sermon:

"And if anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ thus shall you speak, ‘The Lord has need of it.’" (Luke 19:31).

I read this thought about the farmer that Gave his donkey for Jesus to ride: "Don’t forget to do the little things. They may be the biggest things of all. All of us have a donkey. We each have something in our lives which, if we give it to Jesus, will move the Kingdom a little further down the road.It could be that God wants to mount your donkey and to enter the walls...
- of another city.
- of another nation.
- of another heart."

Few of those who saw that event realized its full significance.
They had false expectations about who Jesus was and what His mission was that week. A few days later that same celebrating crowd would be calling for His crucifixion.

Principle: False expectations makes fair weather fans.

Upset about someone being proclaimed as king.

Principle:Their response was perfectly appropriate---Unless Jesus really is the Son of God. ( Which He is! )

was able to see past the waving palm branches , the singing of Hosannas and the walls of the temple.

Principle: Know the reason why you are going where you are going.

I am glad that Jesus Christ was willing.

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