Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Significant moments

For my first facebook update and Twitter tweet yesterday, I wrote the following statement: "Who I will influence today and who I will be influenced by? I need to be aware. On the lookout for "divine appointments".

During the day yesterday, I was making a list of new acquaintances. In writing their name on my list, I made a deeper connection that just a short greeting. Among them was a new resident of our community. Since first impressions are such a key in our lives, It was an honor to be among the first to present an image of our community to this person. This is not a time consuming task as neither of us had more than just a moment to accomplish this. It was a reminder to me that a moment has significant value and must be redeemed wisely.

As I study the walk of Jesus, it seems to me that every person He met resulted in significance both to Him and to the person. I can afford to do no less. My list will grow today.

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