Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Habit of Searching

We are told by good leaders to be watchful for opportunities. Many of the missed answers to prayer are a result of a lack of searching. The principle that Jesus gave us is to find by seeking. Many times I live as though I expect to be bowled over by opportunities without the search. I want to make seeking one of those habits that becomes so automatic that I quit thinking of it as an option. A habit is defined as a recurrent, often unconscious, pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. These conditioned patterns of behavior, at least the good ones, help us function at a high level. When a task becomes a habit it is simply performed without thinking. They help us to live with less stress and greater efficiency.

In the “Leadership Challenge” material, one of the commitments is to search for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve. The creative nature of God is in us making innovative concepts exciting and reachable. We know from scripture that the eyes of the Lord are searching.

2 Chronicles 16:9 The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

God wants me to change, grow and improve everyday. Getting into the habit of changing will keep spirituality fresh and my walk with God exciting.

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