Friday, August 7, 2009

The Refreshing

I am blessed to know that God is in to "newness". Words like replenish, and refresh are ordinary concepts in the Kingdom of God. We are created to become new on a regular basis. If we have a cut on our skin, the cells renew the area. If a plant is cut down, it will regrow. If we shave off our hair, it grows back. It's the root system that springs forth newness. The core values of our lives must be maintained and kept in view.

This week I have been looking at the concepts of circles that bring us back to our beginning points, drains that both zap our energy and help us rid ourselves of waste, resources that allow us to do life and today I am pondering the value of "refreshment". It comes when we pause or it comes as a second wind while we run. The thing is that we need that refreshment of body, mind and spirit.

Johann Sabastian Bach once said: “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.”

William Penn wrote: “True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.”

The fact is that refreshment comes in both sound and in silence. It comes in a split second or in eternity. I guess it is one of those things that cannot be measured or put in a box. Watch for it today. It is all around you.

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